Stoma Support, Advice & Helpful Tips
Adjusting to life with a stoma can be overwhelming at times, but this doesn't mean you can't enjoy a full and active lifestyle. We have provided some lifestyle tips and stoma care advice, including dietary, travel and work advice.

Dietary Advice
Learn more information about stoma dietary advice including; what you can eat and much more.
Holidays & Travel Advice
Discover helpful travel advice, including travel preparation, packing, travel insurance & much more.
Potential Issues
Learn more information about the common problems which can arise when living with a stoma.
Working With A Stoma
Read some helpful advice for ostomates who are preparing to return to work with a stoma.
Additional Support Networks
Find out more information about the additional support networks which are available to you.
Training & Exercise
Learn more about training and exercising with a stoma; getting active again after surgery & much more.
Support Meetings
Throughout the year, there are a series of free stoma support meetings all over the UK.
Additional Resources
Discover helpful resources for people who are living with a stoma.

Need support or advice?
If you need any further support or advice, then please contact Medilink® today. You can call us Monday to Saturday, from 9am to 5pm, on Freephone 0800 626388.