International Nurses Day (12/05/20)
Date: 23 June 2020 Category: News

In May, we celebrated the International Day of the Nurse. We honoured this day by taking a deep look into the lives and work activities of our Salts Medilink Nurses.
Awarded a rating of GOOD by Care Quality Commission (CQC) across all 5 Key Lines of Enquiry
The Salts Medilink® Nurse Team is currently made up of 27 nurses who cover various locations in England, supporting both primary and secondary care. Our primary aim is to deliver an ethical and equitable service to all stoma patients following our Working in Partnership pathway (WIP).
COVID-19 Pandemic
Since the pandemic outbreak and lockdown terms, our team have had to adapt to a new way of working in order to support our patients and acute trusts. In line with our new WIP Pathway (Working In Partnership Pathway), we have continued to maintain a supportive and timely service using new methods of patient contact – including regular telephone appointments, video calling and photography, If face-to-face contact is clinically required, our nurses are equipped with all the correct PPE for the safety of the patients as well as their own.
Medilink® Stay Connected Support Service
Since the launch of our new Medilink® Stay Connected Support Service, some Medilink nurses have been supporting people with a stoma and/or continence conditions that might have had clinical problems whilst self-isolating over the phone.
Supporting the NHS
A number of our nurses have spent their free time raising money for the NHS through various activities.
- Providing hand creams for NHS Nurses
- Making scrubs for Nurses
- Making Mask Fasteners
- Sewing Hearts for those that have lost their lives to COVID-19 and their families.
Feedback from Bradford Royal Infirmary Intensive Care…
Feedback from patients…
Feedback from colleagues…
We would like to say a big Thankyou to all nurses working hard and doing such a great job, now and all the time.